Ryan Shane Owen

Ryan Shane Owen's new albums, "Summersong", and "Wintersong", are out now and available on all platforms. They feature modern vocal and electronic interpretations of classical and traditional songs.

Ryan is a Canadian artist who writes, produces & performs his music entirely on his own, and completely independently. He sings, plays the piano and guitar, and produces all his own electronic programming. Ryan has been in 5 different bands/music duos over the years, before releasing his debut solo album "Rhapsody for the Disco" in 2021. Later that year, he released his follow-up sophomore album, "Symphony for the Stereo", and then "Concerto for the Underground" in 2022. 

Ryan is also a visual artist. Over the past few years he has brought these skills together to create music videos. He makes his music videos entirely on his own, from the video editing to making the sets, backdrops, props and costumes, with some of the videos incorporating his artwork. 

Ryan has lived across Canada from Victoria to as far east as Montreal. He currently resides in British Columbia, Canada.